Acne Care for Teens and Adults


Works best when appointments are scheduled 7 to 10 days apart, no more than 14 days apart, for the accumulative effect. This treatment is mostly done on the face, neck and chest but it can also be done on other parts of the body. It is a resurfacing technique to boost and regenerate the skin. It is wonderful for treating acne, scars, pigmentation, and dermal and epidermal discoloration. It minimizes pores, reduces oil production, evens out skin tone/color, improves texture, and stimulates collagen which firms the skin and brings back a youthful glow.

After the treatment is completed we treat and recover your skin. There is little or no down time. It is used in arsenal by a clinical esthetician and they decide if the treatment is needed. It is good for pregnant women because there are no reactions. The client should expect the microdermabrasion to feel like a cat’s lick. After the treatment the client may experience tightness, sporadic scaliness, mild redness, sunburn effect/sensation, boost of collagen, firmer skin, youthful glow, smoother texture and softer skin.

Microdermabrasion is also wonderful maintenance treatment for those who have healthy skin but whose complexion may appear dry, ashy or slightly congested. You will leave the spa with a visible healthy glow.
The following are some skin conditions that can be corrected with microdermabrasion:

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