




This smooth consistency gel is known for the correction and contouring of facial lines, deep folds and wrinkles on the face. Juvéderm® trade mark owned is by Allergan Inc.

Belotero Balance®

This FDA- approved injectable filler instantly plumps the skin and smooth’s the lines and wrinkles on our face. It treats those stubborn smoker’s lines and other fine lines on the face.


This filler is unique in the sense that it stimulates the production of your own natural collagen. As we naturally age, our skin loses volume and sags. Radiesse® provides the lift needed to diminish wrinkles and folds, providing lift and volume at the same time. It is a safe and quick way to refresh ones appearance without going under a knife or surgery.


This dermal filler corrects moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds. Also used to add volume to the lips. It restores volume and fullness to the face.



Restylane® is a safe and natural dermal filler that restores volume and fullness to the skin to correct facial wrinkles and folds.

“Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in your skin. Its job is to help provide fullness and elasticity. Over time, skin loses hyaluronic acid. And as it diminishes, skin loses volume, increasing the chances for wrinkles and folds to appear.”

“Restylane® and Perlane® provide rejuvenating cosmetic beauty treatments for a natural, younger looking you. Restylane® is the worlds best selling dermal filler. It is well tolerated, nonsurgical and long lasting (usually around 6 months and 9 months).””Restylane® and Perlane® provide rejuvenating cosmetic beauty treatments for a natural, younger looking you. Restylane® is the worlds best selling dermal filler. It is well tolerated, nonsurgical and long lasting (usually around 6 months and 9 months).”

“Restylane® & Perlane® are both composed of hyaluronic acid. Perlane® has larger gel particles and is intended to be.”

“Restylane® and Perlane® are cosmetic dermal fillers that add volume within the skin. They consist of hyaluronic acid. In the human body, natural hyaluronic acid provides volume and fullness to the skin. After treatment with Resylane® or Perlane®, the hydrophilic, or “water loving,” nature of the hyaluronic acid molecules allows them to bind many times their own weight in water as they slowly break down. This process helps maintain volume for about 6 months and 9 months.”

“Restylane® & Perlane® are FDA approved for the treatment of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as the lines from your nose to the corners of your mouth. Areas between the eyes, and areas around the mouth. It also helps to define lip borders and give appearance of fuller lips.”

“Restylane® & Perlane® both use hyaluronic acid to replace lost volume and restore youthful contours to smooth away moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as the lines from your nose to the corners of your mouth. But what they don’t do is just as important. You’ll still look like yourself-just rejuvenated and youthful.”

Restylane® is the worlds most studied cosmetic dermal filler with more than a decade of use. Restylane® and Perlane® have well defined safety profiles and are approved for the treatment of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as the lines from your nose to the corners of your mouth.

Restylane® has been used in over 1.4 million treatments in the U.S. and is available in more than 70 countries, with dozens of studies published in medical literature. Clinical studies have shown no significant differences in the safety of Restylane® and Perlane®.

Restylane® and Perlane® contain no animal proteins. This may limit the risk of animal-based disease transmission.

Restylane® and Perlane® restore volume and fullness to the skin to correct moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as the lines from your nose to the corners of your mouth (nasolabial folds). After your treatment, you might have some swelling and redness. This will normally last less than seven days. Although rare, red or swollen small bumps may occur. If you have had facial cold sores before, an injection can cause another outbreak. In rare circumstances, the doctor may inject into a blood vessel, which can cause excessive and prolonged bruising. To avoid bruising and bleeding, you should not use Restylane® or Perlane® if you have recently used drugs that thin your blood or prevent clotting. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or under 18, you shouldn’t use Restylane® or Perlane®.

Restylane® and Perlane® should not be used by people with previous bad allergies, particularly to certain microorganisms known as gram positive bacteria, or by people with previous bad allergies to drugs that have required in-hospital treatment. Restylane® and Perlane® should not be injected anywhere except the skin or just under the skin.

The use of Restylane® or Perlane® at the site of skin sores, pimples, rashes, hives, cysts, or infection should be postponed until healing is complete. Use of Restylane® or Perlane® in these instances could delay healing or make your skin problems worse.

Restylane® is available only through a licensed practitioner. Complete product and safety information is available at www.RestylaneUSA.com.

As we age, our skin changes. Over time, the natural volume of youthful skin begins to diminish as wrinkles and folds form. But, with Juvéderm®, you don’t have to just sit back and let it happen!

Juvéderm® is a smooth consistency gel made of hyaluronic acid- a naturally occurring substance in your skin that helps to add volume and hydration. Our Physician eases Juvéderm® injectable gel under the skin to instantly restore your skin’s volume and smooth away facial wrinkles and folds, like your “smile lines” (nasolabial folds – the creases that run from the bottom of your nose to the corners of your mouth). It can also help to define lip borders and give appearance of fuller lips.

  • Results are immediate and there is minimal down time.
  • Juvéderm® is the first FDA-approved hyaluronic acid dermal filler that is proven to be safe and effective for persons of color as well.

Our physician may use topical numbing cream or dental block to the treatment area. Avoid the use of NSAIDS (i.e. aspirin or any blood thinners, or vitamin E supplements) for 7 days prior to treatment to avoid bruising or bleeding.

Your provider will ease the Juvéderm® injectable gel under your skin to augment, or fill, wrinkles and folds. Following the injection, the treated areas may be massaged. The procedure is quick and easy. The injection itself usually takes only about 15 minutes.

For the first 24 hours following the treatment, you should avoid strenuous exercise, excessive sun or heat exposure, and consumption of alcoholic beverages in order to help minimize the risks of temporary redness, swelling, and/or itching at the treatment sites. After the treatment, some temporary injection-related reactions may occur, including redness, pain, firmness, swelling, and bumps. Studies have shown that these are usually mild to moderate in nature and clears up on their own in 7 days or less.

Juvéderm® lasts up to 12 months.