NOTE: This service is coming soon to Vickmay Skin and Body Spa in Austin!

Looking for a completely non-damaging, non-invasive way to treat acne, muscle pain, wrinkles, stiffness, or poor circulation? Celluma® is an LED light therapy option that is great for pain management, anti-aging and acne. It can be used on the body or your face, or any other problem areas you want to target. It stimulates cell turnover and collagen production, and improves circulation and lymphatic activity. This simple, non-invasive treatment has both aesthetic and health benefits, making it great for anyone. Though LED light therapy is typically used on the face, it has major benefits on all areas of the body.

The Celluma® LED light therapy is even approved by NASA, because of its healing effects. It takes several treatments to see results, but total treatment time varies depending on the condition you’re treating, as well as other factors. Results can be incredibly powerful and zero recovery time is needed after your Celluma® treatments!